Confessions from Renovation Pros: Home Remodeling on a Budget
Budget makeovers can be cheap. “No way, it’s not possible,” might be your reply; but if you continue to read, we promise we have got a sack-full of hacks to show you how to save on your Home remodeling! When we say cheap, we don’t really expect you to live in a cardboard box with nothing but brown walls to look at. We mean you can save hundreds of dollars if you strategically plan your remodeling project.
Scripting advice from the pros and gurus of interior designing and home renovation, we bring homeowners five stellar tips for remodeling their homes in Houston with limited costs.
1. Ball-parking your budget:
Before you dive in head first, know how much you have in your pocket to spend. Even the most basic of home renovations can cost you thousands if you don’t have a plan to start with. Always hire a professional contractor/builder and know what fixtures will add value to your house the most, in case you ever plan to sell it. What’s the point of spending on paint when it isn’t going to add any value to your home, unless of course it is necessary. Start off with a plan and a realistic budget and see how things go from there.
2. Reorganize:
Reorganization before renovation may not have occurred to you earlier, but some small changes and reorganization can completely change the overall theme of your house when done creatively. So, unless you need to get some major fixtures done, always go for reorganizing your stuff first.
3. A Yard Sale May be Your best bet:
If the song “this is gonna be the best day of my life” comes to your mind whenever someone mentions a yard sale near you in Houston, you have already tasted the joys of them. Yard sales are undeniably the best places to purchase used or slightly damaged goods when doing home remodeling on a budget. Buy anything and everything that looks reusable and in no time, you will have a bunch of masterpieces for your own house.
4. Aim for the longer run:
Another important aspect to keep in mind when considering home remodeling is to think long-term. Don’t invest in purchases only because they look good; believe us, they won’t look as good 5-10 years from now. Bigger purchases and fixtures should only be spent on if they offer extended durability. Otherwise, the overall goal of renovating on a budget will be a major fail!
5. Save up on Lighting:
When the costs of home remodeling is the main concern, always keep in mind that you can save $$$ in lighting fixtures if you are smart. Opt for energy savers that are much brighter than conventional lighting, are cheaper, and consume less energy.
Our Location : Houston Home Remodeling 5320 Gulfton St #9, Houston, TX 77081, United States
This Blog“Confessions from Renovation Pros: Home Remodeling on a Budget?” originally post Here.
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